One cannot ignore  the growth coming from the “drone” sector and from that we routinely receive inquiries from companies that need a legal space to teach RC flying.  PRF is not a CAA approved test facility but RC flying under PRF and SAMAA regulations are what we are all about.

Hence we made available Corporate Memberships to such companies that need to train pilots and/or test their craft.

The cost is R 6000.00 per year for the company and each pilot needs to join the club and have valid SAMAA Membership.

This one is important for general WhatsApp notices
You do not live in a Postbox!
Can be 2.4Ghz, 35.3Mhz, etc
If you are already a SAMAA member
This is just to estimate your skill set so we can help you if needed or suggest some guide lines.
Good to know where your interests lie so we can assist and point you in the right direction.
For first time members, an additional R1000 joining fee is required. Please note that all payments need to be made upfront. No payment terms are accepted.
Merely stating that you are accepting all the rules and regulations as specified by the club rules as well as the National Regulatory Body called SAMAA. You have no choice by the way as we all want to feel safe and protected! LOL

Corporate Acceptance of Terms.pdf